ruben juarez
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Derrida, on deconstruction:
This coming to being starting from nothing and as nothing, as God and as Nothing, as the becoming-self as becoming -God - or Nothing - that is what appears impossible, more than possible, the most impossible possible, more impossible than the impossible if the impossible is the simple negative modality of the possible. - This thought seems strangely familiar to the experience of what is called deconstruction. Far from being a methodical technique, a possible or necessary procedure, unrolling the law of a program and applying rules, that is, unfolding possibilities, deconstruction has often been defined as the very experience of the (impossible) possibility of the impossible, of the most impossible, a condition that deconstruction shares with the gift, the “yes,” the “come,” decision, testimony, the secret, etc. And perhaps death. (On the Name, p. 43)
Jacques is messing with us.